
4SICE Permalink

To significantly enhance dynamical sea ice prediction skill on subseasonal-to-seasonal timescales

CSSR Permalink

The main ambitions for the centre are to provide the knowledge required for the Norwegian petroleum industry to transition to zero-emissions production.

CoRea Permalink

Producing a reliable three-dimensional coupled reanalysis from 1850 to the present for studies on the the ocean in the climate system its variability at decadal timescales.

4DSEIS Permalink

Assimilating the from 4D seismic data and with accurate uncertainty. Collaborators: NORCE, Edinburgh Time-Lapse Project (ETLP), University of Bergen.

DIGIRES Permalink

A Petromaks-2 with industry project that aims to develop the next-generation digital workflows for sub-surface field development and reservoir management.

DigiWells Permalink

SFI DigiWells is a center for research-based innovation funded by the Research Council of Norway and the industrial partners from 2020 to 2028. We are developing new knowledge that will help to drill and position wells in the optimal manner. Our main object...